Ditch Carbon – AI powered emissions reduction

Marc Munier Ceo DitchCarbon

Marc Munier is the Founder and CEO of DitchCarbon, a climatetech venture that provides emissions intelligence at scale. He realised the need for a solution to help companies accurately measure then reduce their scope 3 emissions. This led to the development of the DitchCarbon platform which automatically calculates your suppliers emissions using their own data to provide the most accurate GHG approved emissions possible. From this data DitchCarbon ranks your suppliers, finds alternatives as well as generating reduction plans for each of your incumbent partners. This information is then presented through a simple, intuitive SaaS tool and accompanying API, making it accessible to your whole procurement team – this is critical to embed sustainability into your process.

Marc’s background includes extensive experience in sales, revenue management, mentoring, and entrepreneurship, with a demonstrated track record of success in various industries and roles. He has been involved in significant entrepreneurial and leadership endeavours. His current focus at DitchCarbon reflects his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to meaningful projects with real impact

Over to Marc to fill in the blanks on DitchCarbon.

Marc, What is Ditchcarbon?

DitchCarbon is the Bloomberg of carbon emission data, we research, normalise, benchmark companies on their climate action then uniquely provide clear actions to accelerate their decarbonisation.

What issue does your solution solve?

Procurement people are under increasing regulatory, customer and moral pressure to reduce the emissions within their supply chains. DitchCarbon takes you from a list of your suppliers to a decarbonisation plan for each of your suppliers with zero manual effort from you. We don’t just measure and let you do the rest.

Who is your solution aimed at? What does your perfect client look like?

We tend to deliver the most value to procurement professionals with large distributed supply chains. It doesn’t matter where your suppliers are located or what they do, we give you and them the insights needed to reduce emissions. We condense huge volumes of data and sustainability expertise so you can focus on what you do best – getting the best deal for your company in terms of finance, quality and now carbon.

What is the biggest challenge Ditchcarbon faces?

Our primary challenge is helping procurement people understand that this doesn’t have to be hard, there are a lot of companies trying to make this complicated to sell more consulting hours, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Identifying your biggest emitters, setting clear objectives with them is a science but it isn’t rocketing science.

Why pick Ditchcarbon?

Simple quick action on reducing emissions, fully integrated into where you already work. Whatever you use to manage your process, a huge SAP instance, a point supplier management tool like Graphite connect or a spreadsheet, DitchCarbon helps you take control and start to reduce your supply chain emissions.

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